Cubix Has Celebrated Its Anniversary with Awards, Games, Prizes, and Entertainment for Its Valued Employees and their Families.

Karachi, June 19, 2021 – Cubix celebrated its anniversary this Saturday, June 19, 2021, at the Civil Aviation Club. Amid cheer and joy, employees received recognition, achievement awards, and certificates, and cars were handed to top performers. The evening commenced upon the arrival of the chief guest, CEO Cubix, Salman Lakhani, and his family. Gavin Fernandes, the chief host for the evening, initiated the proceedings and set the tone for the evening after greeting the guests. Supporting hosts, Afifa and Zion were introduced, and later, Amit with Asma carried the event forward with some humorous lines.

Cubix is the only company in the country where today’s employees are tomorrow’s employers.
— Salman Lakhani - CEO, Cubix

The first round of awards, Champion of the Quarter, was handed out by CCO Cubix, Alveena Salman, for performances during the first quarter. Following this, annual performance awards were distributed by VP Sales, Jourdan Chauhan, for outstanding performances during the past 12 months. CEO, Salman Lakhani handed out a major award category, Always 110% Awards, to those employees who pushed their boundaries at work and delivered more than their previous efforts.

Following the awards ceremony, the hosts introduced Subhan’s live acoustic performance themed with a humorous love story. Employees participated upfront at the stage backing Subhan’s melodious vocals and chorus. The families present reported enjoying the entertainment while the children were busy exhausting their energy on the jumping castle.

The latter part of the event was gripped by a power-packed delivery when CEO Cubix, Salman Lakhani, took the stage. He expressed his gratitude to all those present with special appreciation for those employees who have performed with almost selfless dedication during the past year. Mr. Lakhani further emphasized the Always 110% Award and its significance.

Following Mr. Lakhani’s words, an entertaining lucky prize game was held with employees winning a variety of prizes. Meanwhile, just before the evening drew to a close, the guests enjoyed a scrumptious dinner. At the end of the event, each employee was handed a Cubix kit with everyday office items, on their way out, as some members of staff and family members shared their sentiments for Cubix with news channel staff present at the venue. The event concluded at 10:30 pm.

About Cubix

With headquarters in Florida, USA, Cubix serves clients around the globe with innovative digital products that help them reach their goals. We revolutionize businesses digitally with cutting-edge technology and result-driven solutions. Since 2008, we’ve helped create tons of mobile games, enterprise-level software, mobile apps, web apps, and websites for diverse industries. We aim to continue creating revolutionary innovations.